East of Aeon

Kagotsurube Isshin

  Anthropomorphization of the weapon of the same name from Genshin Impact.

Basic Info

Name: Kagotsurube Isshin   ||   Gender: Male   ||   Pronouns: Any   ||   Species/Race: Human/Inazuman (Japanese)   ||   Age: 23


Isshin originally fled to Snezhnaya accompanying his brother, who gave him his namesake sword before he died, hoping that the sword would one day be recognized as worthy of the Raiden Shogun. Vowing to fulfill his brother's dying wish, Isshin began to make his way back to Inazuma. Isshin, while practiced with the sword, was not experienced in maintenance, and as such, it deteriorated on the journey back. Upon reaching Inazuma, Isshin attempts to seduce Kazuha and convince him to use the sword to once more face the Shogun, only to be rejected on all fronts, with a comment on the sword's poor state of being.


In order to make his way back to Inazuma, Isshin often exchanged explicit "favors" for housing and food. As such, he developed a charming facade in order to survive. Under it all, he struggles to come to terms with the sexual nature of his journey, obsessively cleaning himself when he can in an attempt to cleanse himself of his actions. He has given up all of who he once was in the pursuit of his singular goal. He is devastated by the end of his journey.