East of Aeon


  Old DnD OC whose campaign got canceled. Leader of a cult that believes in a false god. Always smiling. Always.

Basic Info

Name: Khi-Ahn   ||   Gender: Agender   ||   Pronouns: She/Her   ||   Species/Race: Human/???   ||   Age: 16


  As a child, Khi-Ahn was inducted into a cult that worshipped a false god atop a mountain. The cult fed the inductees hallucinogens to make them "hear" the voice of the god, and they were not allowed to leave the cult grounds. Members were not allowed to leave the cult grounds, but one day, a festival was being held at the base of the mountain that Khi-Ahn particularly wanted to see. The night she snuck out to see it, she had an argument with her best friend, and thus did not bring him with her as she descended the mountain. When she returned, she found that the whole monastery had burned down. Upon inspecting the wreckage, she discovered her friend's half burnt body in the wreckaged and scraped her hands bloody attempting to lift the rubble off of him. She spent several days burying what remains she could find. The false god hugely discouraged conflict, and afterwards, she became engulfed in regret, vowing to never deviate from the wishes of her "god" again, with the belief that her friend might have lived if they had not fought the night before. Now, she is almost always under the influence of hallucinogens, and she sort of suggests that everybody else try them too. Years later, she has rebuilt the monastery and become the head of the cult.

  Before he died, Khi-Ahn's friend admonished her for never smiling. To this day, she never stops smiling to honor his memory.


  Khi-Ahn is generally regarded as a kind soul. She helps all that she can in an attempt to earn the right to live after being spared from the monastery fire. Despite her kindness, she often makes snide passive-aggressive comments towards those she does not like. (Artist's note: when drawing her, if she curses, a black rectangle appears over her mouth overlaid with the word "UNHOLY".) She hates anyone who knowingly hurts others for no good reason.